from struggling to find suitable job vacancies, striving to steal the attention of the work providers through a beautiful cover letter and curriculum vitae, struggling through a series of written tests, to struggling to get through the job interview smoothly and proudly.
Job interview sessions or job interviews are one of the most important recruitment stages. For those of you who are currently struggling to get a job, you need to understand that this job interview really has an important weight for the job provider to decide whether to accept you as an employee or not. Not infrequently in job interview sessions, many tricky questions that can make your value in the eyes of the company you want become plummeted. Surely you don’t want this to happen right?
Here are 5 trap questions during job interviews and how to answer them correctly so that you can get away from the trap and walk towards the next stage:

1. What is the proudest thing about your career?
This question is often asked to measure how strong your interest is in the position you are interested in. The interviewer wants to see how much your passion is. By describing a project that you are proud of, the interviewer can get sufficient information about how you are interested and your positive feelings about your work. For example, you want to be an editor in the media. While your current position is a reporter. Tell us about your experience of printing influential headlines or headlines. Just tell me one thing that can describe that you are competent in this field.

2. Explain your plan for the next five years!
This question is asked by the interviewer to find out whether working in their company is included in your long-term plan section. Answer wisely by saying that you have a long-term focus related to the position you are applying for at this time.

3. Can you give an idea of ​​your thinking about the job you are applying for?
The interviewer wants to know if you are the right person for the position. Give a clear and clear answer about what you understand, both the task and the obligation of the job you are applying for. This answer will show your readiness to occupy that position.

4. How long do you need to be able to contribute to the company?
It’s good to answer this question realistically and not overly. Determining the right target can show that you are a structured and careful person. Conversely, if you give an answer without size, such as enough within a week, it will only show that you are an unrealistic person. In general, the company has a 3-month trial period. Answering this question by mentioning the time above 2 months may be quite reasonable.

5. How long do you plan to work here if accepted?
This question is actually to see how much you want to work there. But be careful, this is a trick question. Don’t get stuck calling the year number. The reason is, this will show if you have less than optimal commitment and interest. It’s safer to answer diplomatically, that you are interested in developing yourself and your career there and contributing.